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This is exactly the genre of adventure I love. Beautiful graphics and atmosphere, congrats! Do a longer and harder sequel and I'll buy it asap :)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much Arkane84 :-)
I'm glad you had a good time. It will probably be a while before I start developing a new game.
Greetings from France.

such a creepy little game!! even in full daylight, the atmosphere and audio managed to have me creeped out :'D i looove how this looks, the fact that it's not quite realistic but not low poly either leads to something i think is the most creepy and 'off' feeling in vibe. one of the best point and clicks i've played recently, too!

Thank you so much cherubcurse :-D
I see what you're talking about. I was very inspired by the background visuals of the first 3 RESIDENT EVIL released in the second half of the 90's.
I'm glad you had a good time cherub :-)
Greetings from France !

nevermind i figured it out, great game

It was vicious to add the shapes in the combination, wasn't it ? XD
Thank you so much Deadinside776 :-D
Greetings from France !

yea...i'm not the sharpest egg in the attic lol


i'm stuck at the jewellery box, i am entering the correct code, but it doesn't open, am i missing something?

Late reply but yes you are missing small details. Just check the source of the code again carefully and compare to the box and you will catch what you missed.  If you're still stuck, the dev has answered the question here in the comments.

Hello Julian, getting ready to play the game and put the result on Youtube for my channel! Heard good things about it, so very excited. Will let you know how it goes :)

Thank you very much GHDT !
Enjoy the game ! I hope you won't encounter any bugs :-)

very good graphics and dark atmosphere

Thank you very much RBG !
These elements took me some time. I'm glad you like them :-)
Greetings from France !


After playing through the whole game over and over I was finally able to reach investigation level 35/35. It's a great point-and-click horror game.

(2 edits) (+1)

You can't even imagine the respect I have for you seeing what you've done.

The thumbnail is ultra clean. The game is 100% complete. The video can be played in 4k and 60fps. You put chapters. You took care to make a cool fast forward effect to make the video more enjoyable to watch for your viewers.
You didn't play my game, you made love to her XD

More seriously, Your work is that of a true artist.
Congratulations on all your hard work and patience.

It's the perfect playthrough.

Greetings from France !

Wow, thank you. I used to play lots of point-and-click games when I was young, but horror games in the 90's wasn't that scary. Your game was really nostalgic to me.


I'm really glad you liked my game, Marcos :-D
Thanks again for what you have done. It's great !

ohhh this is so good!!! i was so scared!

it's super laggy at the end, but really good!

Thank you so much chlo(e x 8) ;-D
Really sorry for the problems you encountered. This is my very first game and I still have a lot to learn before making a new one.
Thanks again chloeeeeeeee ! Greetings from France ^^

The game was really interesting and i love the horror aspect of it! its not demanding and very light as well ~ so i hope to see more in the future.

Hell Areku :-)

It always makes me so happy when I see people taking the time to make a video about my game.
Thank you so much ! Greetings from France :-D

i knew it! it is french :D but for real thank you forthe game julien ^ -^ 

Yes ^^ That's why the validation button in the chest box is in French and the toilets are in a different room XD
Thanks again, that's really nice :-)

one of the best horror games I ever played. I really enjoyed playing it.

Your compliment makes me very happy. Thank you so much MaroPanda :)
I had already watched your lets play :-D. I often go to youtube to see if I find new videos of my game there.
Thanks again and greetings from France.

I loved this so so so much! Thank you for making this game!! 
(2 edits)

Hello ! :-D

It's been a while since I've seen your video and it's really cool. I regularly check if new lets play of the game are published on YouTube.

Thank you very much for your feedback and your kindness. You are adorable Shrimpchu!

Greetings from France.

(1 edit)

Hi Julien. 

It' Niven, I am a game dev and a huge fan of your work. Maybe you would like to check out some of my games, especially the new release "Sunken". I would really like to hear your input on it. Thanks in advance. Greetings from U.K.

Edit: The game is Lovecraftian horror genre, just FYI.


Hi Niven.

I remember you very very well. You are the first person to have posted a let play and a very nice comment on my game. You even integrated it into a top 10 video and that made me very happy. I had already been on your page to try some of your visual novels but my lack of practice in English had prevented me from enjoying the experience as I would have liked and it's really a shame.

I'm trying SUNKEN very soon and I'll post you a comment and a rating. Thank you again for believing in my game before everyone else internationally.

Greetings from France.


You are too kind.
Best to you, my friend.

I loved this experience, nice game! Unfortunately the full screen didn't work, but anyway... great game!

Greetings from Switzerland and thank you for this :-)

Thank you very much bienli :-D
It must be an itchio problem. I specify in case that if you speak of the 4:3 ratio of the game, it is an aesthetic choice on my part.
Greetings from France. Take care dear neighbor.

Intrigante découverte que cet ovni du jeu vidéo : Invitationem. Du coup on s'est permis de faire un petit test sur Culture Underground 😇.

Ce que vous avez pris le temps de faire me touche. Je trouve votre article vraiment bon et très honnête vis-à-vis des retours des joueurs sur les + et les -
Merci beaucoup pour votre article, votre commentaire et votre note.
Des tas d'ondes positives à toute l'équipe :3


(nightmares unlocked)

Everything will be alright rainbow.
Don't worry... I'm here... I'm close... Behind your window... I see you...

This is an amazing work, It left me wanting to keep playing even after the game ended, I think the atmosphere is very well created and is very enjoyable.

I enjoyed it so much that I thought it would be fun to Speedrun this game, and so I did, even some friends went further and optimized the game to complete it in 7 minutes, crazy! I have many questions to ask on a technical level if you were willing to answer, but I do not want to bother either, amazing job Julien! I leave the video of one of my friends completing it in 7 minutes if you want to see it!

It's really great work ! I love speedruns, I watched a lot of them not that long ago. Thank you very much to you and your friend. Ask me all the questions you want.

------SPOILER ALERT (probably)------

I would really like to know if the randomness in the secure box each number is random? or there's a certain number of combinations, this would helps a lot for our optimization finishing the game, we already found like 10 of them but we are still finding a lot more, also you are invited to our Speedrun community of this game if you want to watch by yourself the things are we finding to optimize the game ;)

(2 edits) (+1)

this enigma has a particular functioning.

2 different screens may appear :

+ The 1st has marks on the B, C and F keys.
+ The second, the A, D and E keys.

For the following explanations, I will take the example of the BCF pattern.

You should know that a function in the program prevents you from finding it the first time. If by chance you enter the correct combination the first time, the game tells you that you made a mistake and the correct answer is redetermined by the program. Players succeeding the second time do not know it but they achieve a perfect.

Next :
The game talks about 6 possible combinations but that's a "lie".

In reality I have eliminated the back and forth combinations of the possibilities (BCF and FBC). It is very often the combinations that are tried first by the players.

So we are left with 4 real possibilities (BFC, CBF, CFB and FBC).

Obtaining this puzzle would amount to entering one of these 4 to pass the false first try stage as quickly as possible and really start the puzzle. In short, knowing all this, the number of possibilities by in reality from 6 to 3.

I chose to program this puzzle this way to create an illusion of challenge. I found it ridiculous at the time of the tests to arrive at this enigma and that sometimes the most obvious of the 6 combinations was the right ones the first time.

I am French and I translate on google. I hope it can help despite my bad English.

Someone seems to have broken the score by skipping this puzzle XD

geez this actually gave me the creeps, the ambiance and game design was very well done! great job! 

Thank you so much cath :-D !
I'm glad you liked it.
Greetings from France !

wow I absolutely loved this! the story, the gameplay, the puzzles, the spooks, all top-notch. great job and i hope you make more!


Thank you so much GAB :-)
I plan to make a game again one day. But I don't think it will be a pn'c.

That was great! Thanks for sharing

Thanks to YOU for your comment andy ! :-)
Greetings from France.

Beautiful game, congratulations, I thoroughly enjoyed it !


It makes me happy hudt :-) Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it.

Julien, I found the game idea very good and very interesting, I wanted to know two things about the game, the first thing is if there will be a mobile version for the game in the Google Play Store, the second thing is if the game will also have on steam.


Thank you so much for your comment GamInt :-D

Currently I have no plans to go any further with this game. It will probably only stay on (for the official version. Because I found out that others have posted the game elsewhere).
And then honestly I don't think the game is good enough to be accepted on steam.
Your post still makes me want to check how things work on Google Play Store. Thank you :-)

I understand and you're welcome 🥰

actually pretty good

Thank you very much kevin :-)

This was very atmospheric and scary. The story felt very Lovecraftian, and everything, from the graphics to the music was very high quality.

The link with Lovecraft makes me very happy. He's probably the author I've read the most so far.
Thank you very much BGG :-)
Greetings from France !

Agréablement surprise. Facile mais propre et bien amené, des ptits jumpscare et des ptits cris pour ma part. Vraiment très sympa. Beau travail :)

Ca me fait plaisir que tu es aimé Vereninga :-) Merci Beaucoup !
Je suis content que tu es pu lui trouver des qualités malgré sa facilité.
Une très bonne journée à toi :-D

Credits and much love to you, developer! Thank you for the AWESOME game. I can't wait for the next one. I get to play this in the Philippines!

Thank you so much Y23F45 !
I had already seen your let's play. Great job :-D

Hey! J'ai adoré jouer à ce jeu. L'effet de terreur avec l'ambiance sonore m'a  bien fait peur, assez pour que je m'attende à une course poursuite à tout moment. Je compte bien y rejouer, mais avec la version anglaise pour découvrir le secret d'investiagtion?

Greetings from Québec.

Merci beaucoup KitaiKit :-D
Ca fait plaisir à entendre ! J'espère que tout se passe bien au Québec.
Sincères salutations du pays des croissants et des baguettes ^^.

I had a TON of fun with this game!  Great puzzles, scares, gross flesh in jars, plus lotsa jumping off points for Lets Play content!  Awesome!

Thanks for posting your let's play here ! I had seen it before when it was posted. He's cool ! Thank you so much IGT100 :-)
Greetings from France !

Thank you for watching!  I hope I made you happy!  And thank you again for the awesome game!

scared the shit outta me

lol good. Thank you very much for your comment inyoface :-D

Thanks, I hated every second of this
(1 edit)

Your let's play is really nice. Great job and thank you so much for playing my game, Nosilla :-)
Greetings from France !

Thank you so much! 🤗

You're welcome, can't wait to play future games of yours.

That's nice thank you :3

Traduzindo para o português do Brasil!

Muito obrigado pelo seu vídeo Tito :-)

Já tinha visto no youtube. É uma pena que você tenha encontrado todos esses problemas técnicos com as cut-scenes. Este é o meu primeiro jogo, ainda tenho coisas para aprender.

Se eu soubesse desde o início que o jogo ia ter um pequeno sucesso, teria feito várias traduções. Mas finalmente parei por aí e não acho que isso vá mudar. Bem eu acho.

Se um dia eu fizer um novo jogo, planejaria com antecedência uma equipe de tradutores.

Saudações da França ! :-D

Parabéns pelo jogo e espero que faça outros no mesmo estilo. Se considerar que meu canal pode ajudar na divulgação de outro jogo, pode entrar em contato pelo email ficarei feliz em traduzir na gameplay.

Um abraço do Brasil.

Você é muito legal Tito. Com prazer !
Eu sinceramente aprecio. Esses são os youtubers que permitiram que o jogo tivesse visibilidade. Obrigado novamente.

This was amazing to say the least; the atmosphere reminds me of the good older horror and puzzle solving games. A very interesting and well made game.

I loved it and I hope to see more work from you in the future :)


Thank you very much Prosiel :-D
I would like to make a game again but it will take time. Even though I think I'll keep the same type of atmosphere, I want radically different gameplay.
Greetings from France :-)


It's a short but successful game. Luckily there weren't many jumpscars either.

Unfortunately, there were a few difficulties when playing, which is why I had to try different browsers. So the tension dropped a bit for me, but that's not a mistake on your part. After a reasonably smooth gameplay, I was glad to have tried again.

I already knew the basic ideas from other games or films, but you still managed to create an interesting storyline here. Good game! :)

(3 edits)

(sorry for my english)

Thank you very much SolaLupa :-)

You say it's not a mistake on my part but in reality as a programmer it's up to me to make sure the game can work properly for everyone. Sometimes it's "impossible" for performance reasons.
But there are 2 rare bugs that I can't fix in this game. It seems to happen under some specific conditions that I can't figure out yet. Pickup items display as complete white and in the worst case the screen goes black and the game hangs after the stripper scene on the jar thing.

It's my very first game and I still have a lot to learn. But it's 2 bugs still break my b**** !

Thank you again for your great sympathy despite the problems you have encountered :-) Greetings from France.

My best friend studies game design, so I know problems like this too well and that always drives him crazy. You just can't find the bug yourself!   

This happened to me for example: I had the problem about  the jar you described with Opera, with Firefox the control had a problem (it was very difficult for you to see what you could interact with) and with Edge it ran smoothly. So maybe it's a platform specific problem?(I hope this helps at least a bit) 

It is not without reason that you work together with a team on larger projects and even there bugs arise. Considering this is your first game, that was a brilliant result. So, in my opinion, this is not your fault! :)

Greetings from Germany.

P.S. I think your English is better than mine. XD

Will we ever get a sequel? That game was totally amazing and I would love to see the sequel. SOMETHING to do with that stone door :)

Can I do some personal contact with you? If yes then add me on my discord please, I have a question for you. Edgy Sketchy#7814

(1 edit)

(sorry for my english)

Thank you very much Edgy :-)

I don't intend to make a sequel for this game. Although it is possible that I will come back to elements that are dear to me like horror and haunted houses with old-fashioned decorations. But if one day I develop a new game, it will be another story with other characters.

I'm really sorry but I haven't discord. You can try to contact me by email.

This was an absolutely phenomenal game. The graphics were so good, and I love how you managed to make a point and click style game so scary! I played it all the way through and the puzzles were very unique and fun. There were also a couple parts that genuinely had me shook XD. Very nice game!

Hello Smart :-D
I'm really glad you liked it ^^
Thank you so much for this comment :-)

Greetings from France.

Nunca había jugado una aventura gráfica de terror y este juego lo ha logrado de manera espectacular. Espero que hagan más juegos así de interesantes y desafiantes, felicidades!

Mierda XD No había visto que estabas publicando aquí también ^^ Así que voy a copiar y pegar mi mensaje publicado en tu cuenta de youtube. Todavía en horrible español jajaja.

Muchas gracias por jugar mi juego. Encontraste un error bastante raro con objetos que se volvían blancos. No sé con qué tiene que ver. Para los 2 cuartos de baño: en Francia los aseos están en una habitación separada, excepto en los apartamentos pequeños. Preocupó a muchos jugadores a nivel internacional. ¡Viva tu canal!

Really liked this game,creepy atmosphere,nice sounds and the best secret ending ever😂

Thank you very much for this let's play Dimi B :-)
It's really cool to have 100% completed it ! ^^
Greeting from France.

I absolutely love this game. One of the best old-school-style point-and-click horror games I've seen recently, and combined with the monsters moving unfairly quickly while the player remains confined to a pointing and clicking system, it makes for a terrifying experience. The art design was phenomenal too, with each subsequent room ramping up the tension (ex. the portrait, which for some people was a relatively soothing human touch, suddenly becoming headless). You really know how to make this genre work. 

I can't find any fault with this game. The easter egg was of course the cherry on top ;) I can only hope that you make more. 

I find your comment really very nice :3
Thank you very much Agnes. I'm glad you liked it ! :-)
For a possible next game, I think to use another type of gameplay. the Point n click style has its limits. But I would always make a point of honor to the atmosphere.
Thanks again :-) Greeting from France.

Very very nice game. Scary atmosphere, pretty graphics and good Sound effects. 

(1 edit)

Thank you so much kat_ze ! :-)

I watched your video on youtube shortly before you posted your comment.
It's really nice to have taken the time to do this let's play :-D

Thanks Again ^^ Greeting from France.

For some reason I wasn't expecting it to be this scary as a point and click game and was caught super off guard by the spooks! Had to make my Twitch Stream into a YouTube video.

In the video I reversed the monster's voice and got a French friend to help me with the translation to English... Wow! That made it even more terrifying and the ending makes more sense now too.

Thanks for such a great game!

(2 edits)

Thank you so much Hilzabee ! :-D

I had already seen the replay of your live on twitch and I really liked it :3
Thanks for taking the time to make it a YouTube video !

I find it impressive that you took the time to investigate one of the game's biggest easter eggs (monster voices).

Greeting from France :-)

Very nice game, hard puzzle but I still beat it. Time was 42m56s and I had a score of 34/35. 

Great job Marvxlous ! Thank you very much for your feedbacks and your note :-)

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