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It was very rude for him to shut the door in my face🙄🙄🙄🙄I almost cried

You're right !

If that bastard doesn't apologize to you within an hour, I'll cut off his head ^^

Thank you very much for playing my game ldkplshelpmymentalhealth ! :D

Cut his head off and i can get the last thing

Good job braa, so liked 31/35 I'll try to play secret

Thank you so much YooBibiKunn ! :D

Well done ! Very good score!

If it's too long to find everything you can find guys who spoil it on youtube LOL

Thanks again !

The presentation in this game is phenomenal, that little camera shake is brilliant touch that elevate the static mist-style pre-rendered backgrounds

Thank you so much ParanoicME ! ^^

I'm glad you noticed this kind of detail.
Thank you for playing !

Very ez  I thought I was gonna give up

Sorry i am french and my english is very average.

You found the game too simple, is that it ?

Nice game :D

Thank you so much ahmadsurvival1 ! :D

Your let's play is very funny ! LOL
Thanks to playing my game ^^


Really creepy game. It was refreshing to see a point and click style horror game. Great job! 

Thank you so much TheVideoGameAnthologist !

The game seems to have trouble loading certain elements during your let's play.

I am however still glad that you are appreciated. :)

uuuuummm.......when I get to the lockbox in the upstairs room, iI put in the code the windows have aaand, nothing happened?


Well I figured it out, and beat the game. That was amazing :). I loved the artwork, the story had a good plot twist, and the sounds and music were beautiful, and terrifying. Good gob jedB

(3 edits)

Thank you so much Philswiter32 ! :D

Yes the 1st enigma is a little vicious lol. Thanks for playing until the end :) I'm glad you had a good time!

One of the creepiest and fun horror games I've played lately. Amazing graphics, atmosphere, and monsters. Such a great game. Top notch.

it is pretty sweet

. _ .

Thank you so much 6sunshinedaydreamz9 ! ^^

This is only my first game but I still wanted to work on the atmosphere.
I'm glad you're appreciated. :)

I read that and that is simply amazing. If this is your first, I can't begin to imagine your tenth game.  And look forward to it.

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this game was AMAZING !!! i had so much fun, the animation and storyline was beautiful! i cant wait to see more of your work in the future!! ahhh!

Thank you so much lullabybong ! :D

It's important for me to know that people are having a good time on this game. Especially since it's my very first.

Thanks again ! ^^

I would like to play the game, but the loading screen is stuck at 2/3 :(

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Really sorry Ant Onion :(

It is necessarily a bug.

Could you tell me what type of screen you tried to launch the game on, please? (pc?, mobile?, ...)

I tried playing the game on pc, and that's the screen that i was stuck in. By the way, my pc has a somewhat low performance, maybe it's related to me don't being able to play.

OK !

This means that something is wrong with the loading of the first video.

Do you have any particular settings on your browser regarding video playback? These are videos in mp4 format.

There's a good chance it's me who's done something wrong. But in case try with another browser to see if it works.

Keep me posted, if you want.

Sorry again.

Sooooooo, it seems like the problem is the app. I used it while trying to play your game, and, as you saw, it didn't work. Now that you mentioned "browser", i launched the game on browser and it worked! Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Do not apologize. You allowed me to identify a bug.

I'm sorry lol I'm glad you finally found a way to play.

I missed some good Point & Click horror game, this one is great

Thank you so much onnigirl !!! :D

THIS WAS SO GOOD! Loved every second of it! 

Thank you so much CreatR69 !
I'm glad you might as well like it :D

(2 edits)



Wait do you just type "happy" all lower case? or are there capitals.  I really should've taken a screenshot...


Oh nevermind i thought that you meant the doors that wouldnt open!  The front door was the one.  and that horse tho! gud game


Thanks to you for taking the time to finish my game completely Cleetus I !

Now take this horse and gallop away from these masked freaks ^^


like your comment ;D

Thank you very much for playing name343 !

All that just for death.  :C

Life ^^

Thank you very much for playing ! :D

Wait so the girl still alive? didn't get her head chopped off?

All that has no mask and no claw is dead ;D

Made a Let's Play. You did an amazing job with this!

Thank you so much Plastic Fangs !

I like your calm and attentive side to the game.

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Thank you very much for this let's play and your comment Z9 2022 !  :D

noice game. the animations were nice

Thank you very much starry-night222 !

It was not easy. I had never touched a 3D software. I had to learn at the same time.

You will go far. 

it's so well done that I love it. Great work, seriously.

Thank you very much Skyllam !

It's my very first game so i wanted it to be a little pretty. I'm a beginner but didn't want it to feel too much while playing it.

I jumped so hard that I unplugged my microphone and lost my commentary audio past that point lol. I did capture the part that made it happen though! I did finish the game and I have to say that the game is amazing. It's fun and legitimately scary. This wasn't the only part that got me good. This is a point and click horror done really well. Thanks for making it!

Thank you very much for playing it WoodyRun !

It's paradoxical because even if I know that fears are part of the game I want to tell you .... I'm really sorry for that ^^

The most important thing for me is that you had a good time.

Thanks again !

and they totally lived happily ever after and didn't die at all :D

Your ending is better lol

Thank you very much for playing my game MEISPABLO !


This is fantastic! It's a bit rare to find point and click horror games with this level of polish. The pacing of the game was absolutely perfect,  no segments felt disconnected from the rest. The story unfolds very nicely, and my god were those monsters creepy! Overall, a really well polished and enjoyable experience! Great work!

Thank you very much Adrionic !

It's my very first game and I'm glad to see people like it.

Really sorry for the elevator lol

your video is a pure moment of fun !!! You are so good!

Congratulations on the 10k subscribers!

Hello, I played this game and I love it, everthing about it was so good, the atmosphere, sound effects, and the visuals were all amazing, would love to play more with this style, wonderful job! :)


I only have one thing to say :  you are a TRUE player ! ^^

I'm glad you're over the vibe. It's important to me that the people who try my game have a good time.

Thank you very much for this wonderful 100%! Good game !

(4 edits)

Bon ben je n'aurai jamais le secret. Je finis toujours à 33/35 et pourtant, j'ai beau fouiller partout... ou je crois le faire. Tant pis ! Excellent jeu quand même, même si je me sens un peu frustré... Il aurait été sympa d’avoir un compteur d’actions afin de savoir où l’on en est...

Enfin ! J'ai pu avoir mes 35/35 et obtenir la seconde fin !

mec sais-tu même ce que tu dis, je lis ce que tu as dit encore et encore et cela n'a aucun sens. soit vous êtes un américain qui vient de spammer des choses dans les commentaires, soit vous avez la pire grammaire de tous les temps. lol😂
ne manque pas de respect lol
merci pour l'autre fin, j'étais curieux de savoir ce que cela aurait été parce que mon ordinateur n'arrêtait pas de planter

Dommage, ça gâche le plaisir... jeu bien sympa même si un peu trop linéaire à mon goût, mais belle réalisation.

Je reposte ici un grand Merci à toi CerKill pour cette passion que tu as!

Cette volonté imperturbable de vouloir absolument décortiquer le jeu pour en découvrir tous ses secrets ! C'est pour des gens comme toi que j'ai eu l'idée de la note à la fin !

Tu es le 1er français à avoir posté un let's play 100% du jeu et j'aimerais t'offrir un cadeau, un petit easter egg de rien du tout mais assez fun :

Dans les toilettes de la maison, quelque chose se passera si tu saisies sur ton clavier le prénom "morgan" (c'était une blague pour l'un des testeurs à la base ^^).

Très bonne continuation !

(1 edit)

Merci pour ce petit cadeau ! Si l'on n'est pas au courant, impossible de le découvrir par hasard... et bonne continuation dans tes activités (jeux ou autres). Encore merci pour cet agréable (enfin, perturbant serait plus indiqué) moment !

Bon... j’ai tiré la chasse d’eau. Merci encore !

Pour résumer...

Les plus :

  • Les graphismes
  • L’ambiance sonore
  • Les cinématiques

Les moins :

  • La linéarité du jeu
  • Trop court !

I love this game to be honest but on the 3 pattern level thing i put in the right patterns but it still does nothing plz fix it. Other than that the game is honestly great…so far. 

Did you pay attention to the shapes outlining the symbols? Those matter too

do you mean the symbols in the living room? Yes i did put that on it didn’t work.

They mean the shapes around the symbols

Bruh the heck do you mean

I am getting a brain tumor by not understanding what you mean


The first symbol is inside a circle.
The sword is inside a diamond shape and the third one inside an inverted triangle.

Thank you very much for playing my game.

I hope the others have been able to help you understand the puzzle of the jewelry box.

thank you again for your patience!

Omg i finally just got it thanks you jed

Good job !!! :D
Thanks to you Untitled_frog :)

This was a great horror point and click adventure game. I liked the 1st person point of view aspect and how the angel slowly moved up and down as if breathing and the focus going in and out like we are zoning out due to high stress levels. The graphics were beautiful and the puzzles were logical with a good challenge to crack. This is one of the best point and click games I've played in a while! 

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It makes me very happy that you had a good time Critterbug ! :)

Thank you for paying attention to all these little technical details.

thank you so much for playing my game !

It was amazing the part scared me when i cant unlocked the door but it was good keep up the good work.

Thank you so much for your comment Kiy0 edits !

And thank you very much for playing my game ! : D

Merci. On en veut encore !!!!!

Encore MERCI à toi Nicosite !  :D

i get it now

sword woman bowl.... work work in the key thingy

4 words... BEST HORROR GAME 2021

It makes me really happy to know you liked the game Chickengaming101

Thank you very much for playing it !!! :D

u welcome

A very nice throw back to the classic point and click genre of the 90s. The note in the end made me want to hug you :)

Ooooooh :3  lol
Thank you so much Jous Croe ! ^^

The best horror Game I ever played.. Simply Brillant work >>> Awesome editing and Graphics

Thank you so much pyxwinstudios !

It's my very first game so I'll let you imagine how much your commentary will please me. ^^

really awesome, really impressive.

Thank you very much for your comment the can ! :D

Great little game, great atmosphere and looks like high production values too. Reminds me of the 90s point and clicks like Myst... but spookier!

I know exactly what you want to talk about !

My main inspiration comes from the era of flash horror games. But it turns out that these games were already inspired by the 90's.

Thank you so much Chris !

Mi experiencia en español!! Muy bueno!!

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Thank you very much for your comment and your let's play adrianrhcp !

Believe it or not but there is a function ready to accommodate a spanish translation of the game in the source code.

I love this language so much that I said to myself : "if I have to do another translation, it will be in Spanish!"

I don't speak it personally, but I find it a particularly good sounding language.

It was interesting...I liked it!


Thank you very much Vordhosbn plays ! :D

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great jobs 

Thank you so much queenfaith2022 !

I really appreciate :D

Man this game was one of the best horror games I played in the last 2 years.

It's a hell of a compliment ! :D

Thank you so much AnythingGaming !

I truly meant the title of my video - the best horror game of 2021! 
This was not just a short, epic horror story, this gave me chills! The jump scares, the sound design, everything was so perfect, that I forgot it was a game. Masterfully done shots, the environments and all! I can't believe this is a free game. 
This will be top and most popular game soon, trust me! This would not go unnoticed. You should be very proud of yourself, developer. 

You can't even imagine how much your let's play made me feel good Niven !

I have the impression that you really lived the moment.

great let's play ! Thank you so much !

Honestly, I am just super lucky I got to check this one out, because I thought this would be somewhat decent flash game, but it turned out to be so good, I think you got a huge following my friend. Can't wait to see more from you. Cheers! 


You have all my respect! Thank you Niven :D

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