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Great stuff!  Well written and a couple of neat scares! :D

It's really nice :) Thank you very much Bushido808.

отличная игра! я осталась под впечатлением! продолжай в том же духе.

Спасибо большое Виски_Киска !
Я рад, что вам понравилось. :)

I just found out about this game and it is wonderful. So well made!! I hope you keep doing games like this one. I really loved it!

I would like to offer you my help to also provide the information of the game in Spanish if you like.

Gonna be waiting for your next project!

(1 edit)

(sorry for my english)

Thank you so much Gaby925 :D

I really appreciate your proposal. However, I currently have no plans to add any additional translation to this game.

I'm going to be absolutely honest with you. I received several times offers of the same kind that I suspected very strongly of being fakes, pirates, or scammers.

I think you will understand that all of this naturally makes me very suspicious and if one day I change my mind, I think I will call on a translator whom I will have the opportunity to meet directly, here, at home, in France.

Thank you very much for your proposal. In a perfect world where mistrust would not exist, I would probably accept. But this world does not exist.

A pleasant day to you. :-)

Great game!! I love this game!!


Great Job Meuawan ! :-D
Thank you so much for your 100% let's play and for playing my game. ^^
I'm glad you liked it :)

Good game, excellent atmosphere! It's like a short horror story. There's only one element I didn't clicked, I think.  Could someone tell me what was the secret?

(4 edits)

(sorry for my "google translation" english)

Thank you so much Guarulhense ! :-D

This is exactly how the game was designed. A short playable horror story and homage to point n click horror of the flash era.

With all the let's play that spoils the secret on youtube today I see no problem giving you the trick ^^. You will find a link to a screenshot below ( shhh! ;-) )

---------- !!! SPOILER ALERT !!! ----------

Hello, I played this game for my channel since a friend recommanded it to me.

The game itself is interesting and I liked it. At least no loud noises that hurt my ears and no cheap jumpscares. Still, it was rather confusing.

If you like to watch my video I attach it below.

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Good job and thank you so much for this let's play Nakarama :-D

(sorry for my english)

personally I don't like jumpscare if they are not justified at the very least or if they are useless to advance the story.

If in addition to being stupid, a jumpscare that's too noisy can hurt your ears, I imagine the number of times you wanted to kill a developer.

Nice day to you Nakarama :)

It's okay. English isn't my first language either.

Also a Jumpscare can be good, I can always just think back to when I played Alien Isolation. That game did it right. It was tense and had some Jumpscares. Yet nothing that just happened for the sake of it.

Excellent travail,  dans l'ambiance sonore , j'ai bien aimé le design du château, superbe moment avec les créatures , tout ce déroule très bien dans les énigmes, j'espere que vous ferais d'autre point'n click avec cette ambiance 5/5 bravo. 

Merci beaucoup eazy1337 :) Une très bonne journée à vous !

This was a very good game--and an impressive one if it was your first! Well done, and thank you for sharing it with us! ^_^

My pleasure Ian. Thank you so much :-D

PS: I streamed the game, which was rather fun. You should find the VOD linked, should you be interested! ^_^

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I just watched your entire let's play. I really like your style. very calm, patient, with a reflection on every detail. It was really nice to watch you.
Thank you so much for all Ian :-)
A very nice day to you. Greetings from France.

Thank you very much--for both watching the let's play and for your kind comments! I'm glad that you so enjoyed it, and enjoyed my style. ^_^

And likewise, a very nice day to you, and greetings from South Africa! ^_^

I loved this game. It was definitely fun and super impressive. I loved all of the cliches from different horror genres that all came together to create this game. I hope to see more from this creator in the future! 

Thank you so much marci ! :-D
For this video and for playing my game :-)
Good Job.

this is peak point and click horror!

This is a great compliment. Thank you so much Whuppers and take care of yourself 🙂

Deleted post

Thank you so much but...

Just Finished the Game!

It was MINT.. No lag or bugs shown..

The fact that you can piece together the story as it progresses, and collect all the clues to lead you to that.. MMM MMM SPECIAL SECRET ENDING.

It was worth the extra 30mins I promise you that XD

The Puzzles were easy and understandable.. so I could focus more on the ambiance and what was around me rather than spending an eternity on a single puzzle(THANK YOU FOR THAT!)

I have no idea however what that.. interdimensional portal went too. But GOOGLY MOOGLY did it give me one hell of a WTF moment XD.

Thank you for the time you spent on this amazing game. It will forever be in my heart as a motivation toward the point and click horror game industry!🙏🏼

Your let's play is amazing XD

Thank you so much Antwan ! 😀

I love your feedback ! I'm glad you liked the game 🙂

Thanks again and really good job for this video. 👍👍👍

Always appreciate a good SPOOPY game! I'm really humble to have had you take your time to watch my "Let's Play"! And am looking forward to the next installment or completely sperate story you'll come up with!😄🙏🏼

Absolutely amazing visuals reminded me of a more updated flash escape game, and the manner in which you made a point and click game scary was great. I found the puzzles just hard enough to be challenging but the main thing is that nothing was hidden to the point of causing annoyance to the player.

Really fun, can’t wait to see what else you create.

Keep up the good ideas. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much Meeka :-D
Your let's play is really cool ! And i'm glad you liked the game !

My sources of inspiration are "old" indie games.

Deep Sleep Trilogy.
Exmortis 1 & 2.
DeadEnd's Hotel.

Nice day to you and thanks again ! :-)

This was a lot of fun. Did some stuff with the scares that I didn't anticipate in a point&click game. Nice ^_^ Weird secret ending though xD

Nice job baphy1428 ! Thank you so much :-D

This is amazing. I am close to speechless.

Thank you so much DarknessMaked :)

You are welcome- you deserve it..

You really have a talent for story telling, man - it was perfectly delivered! And it just makes me SO happy you decided to make it this style of point and click, I was craving this kind of experience for a while now, so nostalgic... Do you have plans for new games in that vein? PLEASE??? :D

(sorry for my english)

Hello H1ghPr1estess :-D
Thank you so much ! ^^
Yes I would really like to make a new game with the same kind of vibe. But I don't want to remake a game with the same tools. I need to learn a more suitable, more efficient programming language. I have a lot of progress to make. I don't want to come up with a simple sequel or a game that's done too quickly. I still have to think about it...

I totally get it - I'll be waiting for your next one then, whatever kind of game it is! I'm sure it'll be awesome. :) 

Thanks, H1ghPr1estess :)

It's really been long since I've played a point and click game but this game really takes me back. Great graphics and ambiences plus a thrilling story line makes for any good game.

That’s really cool man. You have a lot of energy !
Thank you so much for this let's play and thank you so much for playing my game MCG :-D

how exactly did you make this game. what engine did you use? btw I love the point and click art style. 

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hello Tydye2100, sorry for my english i'm french (thanks Google Translate ;-) ).

I did not use any game engine.

I programmed the game on a simple code editor (visual code studio) in pure JavaScript.

If you don't know, it is a web oriented programming language used mainly in website development.

The different areas of the game were modeled, textured and rendered on 3D Blender software.

I then added some colorimetric corrections with Adobe Photoshop for the images and Adobe After Effect for the cut-scenes.

I invite you to follow this link :

You will find 2 or 3 visuals of the development of the game there.

Hope this can help you.

I loved this game so much! It brought back so much nostalgia for me when I first played horror point and click browser game.
Amazing for your first game. I hit that follow because I look forward to your future games. This would be amazing if it was extended because I noticed there were a couple of rooms that weren't used. So much potential in this. It scared me so bad...I will say it again... I loved it.  Here is my gameplay of it <3

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I love your let's play! I will repeat what I said on your channel. This is one of my favorite let's play ! ^^

Thank you so much for your video and for having completed my game 100% ! :-D

good game i enjoyed it. watch it below

Thank you so much Hardysgames :D
I'm glad you liked it :) Thank you for your video :D


(2 edits)

[minor spoilers ahead]

Brilliant atmosphere and perfect mood. Entering an old house in the woods to discover the voices were recorded on a tape was actually a nightmare I had a while back so imagine how terrified I was :D

Great job!

(Sorry for my English)

Well, it's funny because once I had a dream.

It was several years ago, I didn't even know what a variable was, or even a function, or even a script.

I admired the work of talented creators on various indie point'n click horror games.

Among these games, there is one that I never tire of. a game on the theme of dreams. Then this game became a trilogy that I never tire of.

I dreamed that one day I too would be able to create my own little game. In homage to this point'n click horror game and everyone I loved during that time.

I will stop there. I think you get it. I want to sincerely thank you for what you have created.

Great job to YOU scriptwelder.

This is such a neat game, it has the classic setting but still manages to surprise around every corner (sometimes literally!). I loved this combination of Hammer Horror and Channel Zero vibes and how it all tied together. Great work, absolutely marvelous. 


Thank you so much Hula ! :-D
I really like how you analyzed the atmosphere and the references of the game.
Please, take good care of yourself.

Hi Bartholini i think this was an epic game! 

Thank you so much Destiny :-D
But I think your profile picture is even more epic ;-)

Hi there, recently played your game in my 3 Random Games video and OMG... I loved it and I explained why in the video lol. Shame I wasn't able to finish it, although I know what happens next because of watching Markiplier play it.


Even if you haven't finished it I find it already super nice that you took the time to make a video of it ! :-D
Thank you so much Voltz ! ^^

Ce jeu était tellement amusant mais il n'a que 2 fins. Même si c'est super amusant :)

This game was so fun but it has only 2 ending.Even tho that its super fun :) 

Thank you so much Weed ON Weeb :D
If one day I develop another game, I think there will be more ;-)

For a point n' click style horror game this was pretty good. The graphics were pretty good so was a lot of the scares. Made a video on it.


Thank you so much for playing my game Fearagen :D

Great game! i love the graphics and concept of the game. I wish it is longer and had more jumpscares.  I hope there is a continuation ;) 

Thank you so much for this let's play and for playing my game Abu Qalab ! :D

happy. This was a good game, I loved the atmosphere, the graphics.

Though two things I wished were implemented into this game:

  • To have the ability to go back to the main menu, instead of having the current option which reloads the entire game, and thus having to download/load everything again.
  • I’ve noticed there’s a delay between being able to click, like on dialogs, or stuff like that, and maybe the transitions between screens are a bit too long.

But, this is far better than anything I’ve played today, keep it up.

(2 edits)

(sorry for my english i'm french)

Thank you so much Krasno :D

Yes you are right about the return to the menu. It's one of those things that jump out at me from watching people play. This is the kind of lesson I will take away for a future game.

The delay between dialogues is voluntary. There are moments in the game that have lines of dialogue that you cannot go back to. Without the delay, some players risked skipping passages by accidentally clicking the mouse button once too often.

For transitions between screens, the time depends on the computing power of your computer. I tried to make the game as light as possible by reducing the weight of the images, cut-scenes and sounds to the limit of degradation. But in some cases that is not enough.

Thank you very much for your feedback. Its important to me.

this is a great game it will definitely need multiple throughs to get all the secrets

XD Great let's play ! Thank you so much SHXXTZZ :D

this game was so sick! 

Thank you so much naalza :D

I'd love to play the game but I'm unfortunately stuck on the "Loading... (2/3)" screen.

Hello Tronoid :)

Every time someone encountered this bug it was while playing through the itchio app. Open the game in a web browser and I think that should solve the problem. Don't hesitate to tell me if it worked or not.

It worked! I loved the game from start to finish. Keep up the good work, cheers!

Thank you so much Tronoid :D

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Thank you so much Cedario :D

That was a fun ride and I am still working on the secret ending. Can't believe this is your first game! The fact that it was written in pure JavaScript put me to shock as well, on top of how good it is. Really hope to see more from you in the future!

Thank you so much Lunettes0910 ! ^^
I would like to learn C# now. I think Javascript is not the best language for making a game.

Loved the game. Great atmosphere, the monsters were well designed and the story was great. I hope you do more games like this. I will be keeping an eye on you.

Watch video here: 


Thank you so much for this video KromeFalco :D
I'm glad you liked to play my game :)

Great game! Loved it, great scares and I have no complaints about anything! I hope to see more from you in the future! 

I think I made all gamers dyslexic with this title lol

Thank you and nice job for this lets play Chubbyy ! :D
I'm really glad you liked the game ^^

Very fun and good

Made a video about it

XD With the fact that you had a problem with the sound and the addition of effects on the creepy moments It gives a super experimental side to your video and i like it ^^

Thank you so much for this let's play Sand Ducc and thanks for played it :D

it is a good game i can’t figure out the code at the chest


Thank you so much Miniklin :D
The digital code of the chest is somewhere ... safe ;)

nevermind bruh i found it and completed the game :) i can tell you put a lot of effeort intothis good job

Thanks again Miniklin ^^
i'm glad you liked to play it :D

C'est vraiment bg ton jeu mec, incroyable, j'attends tes prochaines sorties avec impatience, peut-être juste un peu plus long serait encore mieux

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Merci beaucoup Aesthetik et ça fait plaisir d'écrire un peu en français ^^.

Je suis vraiment content que ça t'ait plu :)

Ouais j'avoue t'as raison, c'est très court.
Premier jeu, premiers pas en rendu 3D. Je me suis dit :
"Ok mec, t'es seul, tu n'as pas encore les moyens de faire un sandwich ou une tartine, alors fait un toast mais arranges-toi pour qu'on est envie de le manger."

Du coup je vais doucement apprendre à faire des tartines, maintenant lol.
On verra bien ce que ça donnera, mais ça ne sera pas pour tout de suite ^^

Encore Merci et prends bien soin de toi, Aesthetik :)

Beautiful game, Julien! Well done. What did you use to make it?

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Thank you very much ShakeyDev, that's nice of you :)

For the development I programmed the game in pure Javascript (not very suitable). I code on Visual Studio Code.

The sets were modeled, textured and rendered on Blender.

I made some colorimetric corrections on with Photoshop and After Effect for the cut-scenes.

Cool to know! Whatever works, works! :)

cool game man

Thank you very much biriyani ! :D

Need more games like this! Reminds me of X-Files back on the original PlayStation.

Thank you so much LanSilver ! :D
Nice job for this let's play! I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

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