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If you're wondering why you got a sudden influx, it's because Markiplier played your game and well worth it. Stuff looks amazing, my man. Would play myself if i wasn't in the outskirts with just an old lapto

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It's a shame I would like everyone is the opportunity to play it :(

Yes, the attendance rate is back to the same as it was 2 or 3 weeks ago in the space of a few hours.

The peak is so high that we would say an alcohol level in the blood between December 31 and January 1.

(sorry for my english, i'm french)

Awesome point 'n' click game.

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Thank you so much for this let's play GameFright ! :D
I'm glad you enjoyed the game ^^ Good job for the 100%.


What a crazy, cool game! And the secret ending had me rolling!!! I am in shock that this is the devs first attempt at a game like this, it was sooo good!!! I highly recommend this game! Scary and funny all at once ! I hope you enjoy my video and review you guys xo
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You Rock Kashbrown1 ! Thank you so much for this let's play ! :D
And thank you for played my game :3

awww what a nice response ! Definitely put a smile on my face :) I'm so glad I played your game, it was genuinely a lot of fun and really creepy! Amazing work, especially for your first time !!! You're obviously super talented!! Thanks for the reply and i hope you liked my video xo

I liked it a lot. It is thanks to people like you that the game has gained visibility since I posted it.

Thanks again and sorry for my english, i'm french.


You appear to have caught the eye of Markiplier with this hidden gem, well done julian and good game

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Thank yo so much Jakdakthe5th ^^
I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)
(yes, Markiplier helped breathe new life into the game.)

Great game :)

Only because the gamers are great lol ;)
Thank you so much Tokoyami ! :D


this was amazing, I would love to see a INVITATIONEM 2 game. this is the first time I have ever liked a point and click game.

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(sorry for my english, i'm french ^^)

Thank you so much sahit579 ! :D

I think INVITATIONEM is fun to play when you don't know the final twist and you realize the clues and foreshadowing present in the game.

That's why we don't know anything about the character. Neither his appearance, nor his age, nor his gender. This character is just you who finds out what is happening to him.

But once you know why, who, and how, the game becomes a lot less interesting. Like a creepy pasta whose end you would already know.

If I have to do a game again one day it will be more of a spiritual sequel with the same kind of atmosphere but with a different story ^^

I like the idea, maybe make it a different story but same atmosphere

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Sorry. I had this meme in mind ^^

haha lol

Okay, I have to say that this game was honestly brilliant, Julien!  If this is your first proper attempt at making a game, then you've set the bar really high already!  As a solo dev myself, I really understand the struggle of doing everything alone, even if you get the occasional bit of help.  Big admiration for this game, and please make more!


This is really nice :3 Thank you so much BorealisGames ^^
You're right, it's complicated. Personally if I have to redo a game one day it will be in other conditions I think.
Thanks again Borealis :)
(Sorry for my english, i'm french)

I absolutely loved this game!

First point and click type game I've ever played and I had my doubts if it would be scary, but it really delivered!

Check out my video.

Thank you so much for this let's play Rhys ! :D
And thanks for playing my game. ^^



subsbibe pleese

Thanks you very much for your let's play Viexi ! ^^
I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)

I had a really fantastic time with this! It was something different, it was creepy, it was interesting. (I only got frustrated by one puzzle, which is good for me.)

Definitely recommended if you're looking for a quick, simple, point-and-click adventure with some very beautiful art.

Thanks again for this let's play and for playing it Dreva ! :D

You're not the first to notice that the words 'condemned' and 'tapestry' are not appropriate. I modified that.

Não consigo jogar, a tela fica preta e não aparece mais nada. Não consigo continuar o jogo ;/

oi misouzz.

desculpe antecipadamente pelos meus portugueses. Sou francês e traduzo graças ao google.

A tela preta apareceu depois de pegar o alicate no chão do porão? Ou depois de recuperar a chave enfiada na pia?

E em caso afirmativo, você se lembra de que havia outra guia aberta em seu navegador em uma página de um site de streaming enquanto você estava jogando?

Desde já, obrigado :) Desculpe por este bug :(

ola!! isso mesmo, foi justamente nessa parte. só estou com o navegador aberto, nada mais. mas vou ficar de olho nessa dica. Obrigada!!

Sim, por algum motivo não sei quando estou com uma página de streaming aberta, esse bug aparece nesses lugares.
Embora eu tenha invertido meu código por todo o lugar, ainda não descobri de onde veio o problema. Especialmente porque é um bug ultra raro.

Sinceras desculpas misouzz.

que pena! mas vou continuar tentando. Obrigada pelo retorno <3

Maybe im just dumb but I can't solve the box puzzle

You are not dumb. She's a little deceitful.
Paterns + shapes around ;)

Now I have to beat the game. Thanks and good job,

Thanks to you slashreik ! :D


Hello. What is game engine you used? Unity?

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Hello retrocoal. I didn't use any game engine. It's pure javascript.
For the sets, I modeled everything on Blender. Then I added some colorimetric corrections with photoshop and after effects for the cut scenes.

Hi , you inspire me to try and start my first game , there is any tutorial or a guide for point and click game ? consider that i'm only know C# and Java

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(sorry for my english, i'm french)

Hi erez :)
Hearing that it inspires you to make your own game is like winning a trophy. It's something that touches me a lot. Thank you very much.

If you know C # and Java you are already at a higher level than what I have been doing. I am currently trying to learn C # to make a game more solid than with Javascript which is not really suitable.

The only tutorials I followed during development were for Blender since I had never modeled anything in 3D. For the programming aspect I'm like you now, I'm looking for tutorials lol Sorry I would have liked to help you more.

Ok, animations are just perfect! And how did you make the breathing animation when the main hero just stands? And sorry for my english, I am Russian.

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Don't worry about your english. I am French and it is google that allows me to translate my responses to comments.
For the breathing movements, I applied in css3 an animation on the x and y axis of the Div containing the images and cut scene of the game.
Here is a simplified version of the process :

i only played 2 times cus my curiosity clicked everything my first time but the second time playing was the best man the radio was playing some good music

lol Great job and thank you so much for playing my game willllllllllll. .

cool game

Thank you very much Lalm132 :)

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wow. the graphics are so realistic and didn't lag when i moved. the little notes when u press things are nice. figuring out the puzzles was interesting, especially having to use the numbers on the invitation. great game!


Thank you so much teddy ! :D

I'm glad you liked it ^^
Take care of yourself and thanks again for playing my game :)

Geometry (from the Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- "earth", -metron "measurement") is, with arithmetic, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. It is concerned with properties of space that are related with distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.

I am not a freemason... Have a very good day to you my dear.

 Loved the point and clock aspect miss these kind of horror games but overall nice atmosphere.  Sorry I'm bad with puzzles the ol bean isn't good with those lol.  
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lol Don't be sorry.

Thank you very much for playing my game and thank you also for this lets play Jammbith.YT ! :)

Hey ... You took over the thumbnail of Alpha Beta Gamer (I promise I won't say anything ; ) ).

Thanks again ^^

lol whoops im crap at photoahop still so i take whats free for now 🤣 but no problem man.

it wont let e change the door color

Hello jeSUSsyWussy. I am not sure I understood.

When i got to the door with the color code near the end, i clicked the colors and it wouldn't let me rearrange them 

The page pasted to the portrait to the right of the door contains the clues of the order of the colors. When you have finished clicking on the 4 colors in the correct order, you end by clicking on the central button with a key.


Fun game! I felt bad about killing the little meat thing - it was just trying to live, same as me. Overall a nice experience, thank you for making it!


Thank you so much incomprehensibeel ! :D

I can assure you that her goal was not to survive and that she does not feel any pain or conscience ^^

It is the extension of something much bigger and invisible that knows very well what it is doing and knows in advance what is to come.


Excellent horror game! I never really played point and click styled games before, but this was amazing to say the least! Got scared a lot more than I thought I would as well lol xD Hope you enjoy the video!

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"Oui ! oui ! oui !" LOL

Thank you so much Bop Man ! :D
Your let's play is great ! You really do quality content !

Bravo and Merci beaucoup ^^

this was absolutely great, thank you so much for this experience!!!

Ein großes Dankeschön Gamingforlife  ! :3

Es freut mich sehr, dass dir das Spiel gefallen hat. ^^

Und nochmals vielen Dank für dieses Let's Play ! :D


Thank you so much ezez game ! :3

The absence of the menu and the score screen reinforces the short-film aspect of the game.

Thanks again :)

That's no problem i enjoy playing it 

Thank you for making this game dev :)

Absolutely nailed the old school point and click aesthetic, loved the animation and music. I hope you continue to make more games in the future this was a delight! 

Thank you so much Amiable-apparition ! :D
If you liked the game, that's the most important :)

Thanks again !

This game was great! Loved the atmosphere and still super scary for a point and click!

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Thank you so much wastedwork ! :D

You are one of the players who added a personal touch to the game. I'm talking about the desaturated image. I saw some added contrast, others put the game in 16: 9, etc ...

It makes me think about the idea of offering different bonus filters in addition to my own vision if one day I develop another game.

Thanks again for this let's play ! Good Job ! :)

Thanks for making it!

I almost had a heart attack

in a good way

LOL Thank you so much asdfuudd !

Ahhaha this game is so good. There weren't really any cheap jumpscares, everything made sense in the context of the story, and it just keeps you so on edge the whole time. Honestly one of the best horror games I've played in a while <3

Thank you so much LineDreaming ! :D

That's really nice thank you :)
I'm glad you liked the game.

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I love it, and i trust you when you said you made it with love, bravo mon frère j’aime bien votre jeu c’est magnifique :)

i want more for real, thank you for making it

here is my gameplay with the secret ending

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Thank you so much GMs ! :D

I had time to see your let's play before the video disappeared. Good job !

I don't know what could have happened with your video. She has become unavailable.

sorry about that, i fix it now, :)

You took the time to finish the game, make a video of it and edit it.
It would have been a shame if she couldn't be seen ^^.

Thank you very much for completing the game :D

Thank you, of course i will finish i like the game soo much, and i hope to see more from you

Good game dude! this scared me a lot when I saw that thing, 

Thank you so much GlitchBear ! :D

It's a shame that you encountered so much lag problem on the cutscenes.

Thanks again :)

that's no problem , i enjoy playing it ^^

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you so much for this gameplay video TsukuruHouse ! :D

This was dope! Keep up the great work.

Great job and thank you so much for this let's play RaapOnPoint ! :D

I was surprised by the final jumpscare lol

Thanks again :)

Really good game mate! I knew it was gonna be scary the moment I stepped in the house.

Thank you very much for this let's play rockuzza !

I'm glad you liked the game :) Cheers ! :D

TLDR: This game is awesome definitely recommend! 

My full thoughts at the end of the video!

You're made of steel lol No jumpscare can reach you ! 

Thank you so much DB ! :D

Thank You for making this Julien! I hope you make more games this was an awesome experience!

this was so good! the jump scares were too effective, my heart was beating out of my chest lol. not terribly difficult like these kinds of games tend to be for me, very engaging and well made!


Thank you so much fealiks ! :D

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

This was truly an amazing horror experience. You nailed the atmosphere and the point and click genre. I really enjoyed It. I made a vid on my Youtube. Check It Out. You Got ME good. if ya like it drop a like or a sub. Im not forcing you too but... wow what an awesome game.
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Thank you so much FreyeGuyYT ! :D

I often check on youtube if again let's play come out.

I have already seen yours on the first day of its release ^^. I automatically put a like. You did a good job! Thank you so much ! :)

Sorry for the lag on the hand cutscene. This is my very first game and it is not perfectly optimized ^^ I still have things to learn.

You just won a subscriber :D

(and sorry for my english, i'm french lol)

heyyy dont worry about it. keep it up

C’était génial

Merci beaucoup mon cher. ^^

  chose sûre

Thank you :)

This was cool!!! It was hard enough to be stimulating but I didn't need a walkthrough.

Is that the only ending?  Or is there an end where you escape?

Your English is fantastic by the way, but I can't tell what the doors being "condemned" means.... may just be me being dumb though :(

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The translator will like the compliment ^^
I worked with a professional translator for the English version.
I suck at English (it's google translation that allows me to respond to comments in English).

You are not the first to encounter a problem with this term ... I would ask the translator.

Thanks again itsfearherself :)

Thank you so much itsfearherself ! :)

There is only one official ending. It's my very first game and I wanted to keep it simple. This is also partly why there is no plan or inventory and the game is relatively short.

However, if you get the 35 points at the end, you will be given a trick to get a special secret ending ^^

If you don't want to redo everything go see her on YouTube lol

Aye, this one was great! Really liked it, the jumpscares caught me off guard, 

If you're interested in checking my playthrough here's the link 👇👇👇👇👇👇


Thank you very much for this let's play kguidomv88 ! :D

I like your calm way of playing. It adds something to the atmosphere.
Your thumbnail is really cool.

Thanks again :)

Really, really enjoyed this one. I feel like good point-and-click horror games are few and far between, and this one was definitely a good one.

Hope you are well jedB! Thanks for making your game and allowing us to all play it!

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I really appreciated your work on this Let's Play as well as your comment. Well done ! :D

Thank you so much Jono ! :)
(the unicorn thanks you too)

Deleted 3 years ago
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Thank you so much CaptainSly :)

I came across your let's play earlier. Very good job ! :D
Is it me or did you calibrate the video to reinforce the dark colors ?

And the sharpness and colors of your thumbnail is really cool. I am susceptible to this kind of detail.

A little Contrast and sharpness Did A Exceptional Job On the out come haha! Keep Up the good work Bro.

It's really nice. Thanks again CaptainSly ! ^^

Atmosphere is great,but box with puzzle is not opening,is there is randomly generated code,or not?

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Thank you so much Horrorphile :)

if you are talking about the jewelry box on the bed, the solution can be found on the 3 stained glass windows in the entrance hall. You have to take into account the patterns AND the surrounding shapes.

And all the game codes are randomly generated at the start of the game. except for the colored door ;)

Thank you very much for the hint,i finished game,and i can say that game is really cool,atmosphere and plot is awesome,really classic horror,5\5


Thank you so much Horrorphile ! ;D

You are welcome,buddy,you did a great game

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