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(1 edit)

My game has turned black after i pick up the tool :( (I'm on firefox)

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I started again on chrome and no problem, great game btw! :)

Hello Patchook :-D
Yeah... This f****** bug. It is relatively rare and seems to be caused by some type of setup. In reality, I never found a solution to this bug and these are my main regrets about this little game.

I'm glad you found a solution :) Thank you so much for playing and thank you for your comment.

Greetings from France, Pat !

best game ive ever played.

Are you absolutely sure ?... XD
Thank you so much for playing and for your comment evie :-)
Greetings from Fance.


omg no way you replied i love your work!!!!!!! i am so sure :)

Followed the pattern on the box but- it didn't open??

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Hello :-)
You haven't fully followed it. Observe the shapes around the patterns.

Excellent work, Julien. I made a gameplay on my youtube channel. I really liked!

Olá predas ! :-)
Estou traduzindo minha resposta com o google trad, então espero que não seja tão ruim.

Foi muito bom assistir seu vídeo. A edição é muito limpa e você está realmente focado no jogo, me dá um grande prazer descobrir jogadores como você. Muito obrigado por dedicar seu tempo para fazer este vídeo, ótimo trabalho.

Saudações da França !

This a very nice horror short. I have an issue with the investigation count though: I had 34/35 on my first play and then I played again and found a new interactable but at the end i still get 34/35. Is this a counting bug maybe? Or do I need to click more specific?

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Hello Kharon27 ! Thank you very much :-)
I just redid the game to avoid answering you nonsense. I clicked on the 35 areas counting for the final score and they were counted. No need to click precisely. If the dialog box appears when you click, it's ok.

Sorry but I think that despite the fact that you found a new interactable, there is a very very strong chance that you simply forgot one that you hadn't forgotten during your first game. The score falls back to 0 with each new game. It is not added to the score of the previous part.

Looking back I find this system too frustrating.

Hah, I was pretty sure to click on everything again but you may be right. Or it's possible that some of them don't count in the 35 important ones and I'm just completely missing one.

Still very nice idea, I really enjoyed it. It's got a mix of old flash games nostalgia with the added bonus of revisiting previous areas for new interactions (never saw that before in browser games). If you work some more on the complexity of the puzzle you're going towards Amnesia/Layers of Fear territory. I think it would be cool to have something like that easily accessible (no download required). Let me know when you get on mobile :D

Yes I completely forgot to tell you. Not all clickable areas count for scoring. I chose 35 specific ones. It was basically to reward and encourage players to observe small details, small foreshadowing, etc.

Thank you very much for everything you tell me here. I really appreciate !

It's actually a game that pays homage to the flash horror game I played about 10 years ago. I don't know yet if there will be a mobile version in the end... But I would like to.
Thanks again Kharon27 !

This game is absolutely amazing. Beautiful graphics and gameplay style. I love this game! <3

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Thank you very much clairedeh ^^

It turned into a black screen after I got towards the house (I am on chromebook playing on browser)

among all the returns in 1 year, it had never happened before. Try viewing with a different browser than the one you normally use. I don't understand why this bug happens. It's probably related to your personal set. But what exactly, I wouldn't tell you.


Thank you! I appreciate you are dedicated to helping out unlike a lot of other people on this site that make games and just leave people unable to play their games due to bugs!

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However, I just noticed a translation error in my message. I didn't mean "I wouldn't tell you" but "I can not tell you" in the sense that I don't know where the problem can come from but that I would very much like to know and help you.

(sorry I come from the least good country in English in all of Europe... France XD)

O Brasil gosta muito de jogos nesse estilo, acho que merecia uma tradução para português do Brasil

Hello GDT ! :-)
Pensei muito nisso quando o tradutor estava fazendo a versão em espanhol latino-americano. Eu disse a mim mesmo: "Merda... Estamos fazendo isso pela América Latina, é o maior país da América Latina e sua língua é o português." :-(

No momento, nenhuma nova tradução está planejada, infelizmente.

Eu vi seu vídeo quando saiu. Muito obrigado por fazê-lo GDT :-D
Calorosas saudações da França !


Obrigado por responder em português!

J'ai vraiment adoré le jeu. Les graphismes sont superbes. 
C'était un bon niveau d'horreur et de mystère. Je m'amusais tellement que j'aurais aimé que ça dure plus longtemps. 
Je vais rejouer pour trouver le secret :)  Salutations d'Irlande !

Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video Winsto117 ! :-D

Well done and thank you very much for giving your opinion at the end of the video. Thank you for taking the time to translate your message, I appreciate it. :-)

Good luck trying for a 100% score and greetings from France !


game is broken, followed the pattern, but the box doesn't open

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Hello Nero. The shapes around the pattern.

I love old timey point and click games, you don't disappoint. Do you accept fan translations?

Hello. Thanks besouronarrand :-D

I really appreciate your question but currently I already have a few people with me in charge of possible future translations of the game.

Thanks again, besouronarrand and take good care of yourself. Greetings from France.


Greetings from Brazil <3

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meccc. le jeu est trop cool. oolala c est comme je ss entrain de jouer resident evil 1. hey bonne continuation. vraiment waw !!!!!!!

essaye mn jeu si ta de temp et merci bien

Merci mec, la référence me fait plaisir :-) J'ai essayé ton jeu. Bien joué. Les couleurs acidulées m'ont rappelé Suspiria de Dario Argento.


hahaha bien vue. j attendrais d aures titre de votre part. respect.

Voici mon ressenti à propos du jeu


c'est Tout simplement flippant 

Une très bonne ambiance moi qui adore l'horreur psychologique (Call of Chulhu)

Il est actuellement 00h40 et je joue dans le noir complet 

je ne suis vraiment pas fan de jeu et de film d'horreur d'habitude  à cause des screamers ( Merci d'ailleurs x) 

 et pourtant je l'ai finis ( en pls mdr )

A un moment j'ai coupé le son de mon casque en sursautant 

et sur la fin je me cachait les yeux 


sur ce point la sans faute de très bonne énigmes

En réfléchissant j'avais moins peur 

ça m'a rappelé Secret files Tanguska sur ds 

Avis Final 

J'ai adoré 

Bravo à toute l'équipe 

c'est une réussite 

Bonne nuit 

Je vais mal dormir 

Je suis vraiment content que le jeu est eu cet effet sur toi :-D
Merci pour ton message Flaerale !
if you are not a French speaker, I very much appreciate that you wrote to me in French. Greetings from France <3

thinking about trying to make my own point and click game and this game was humbling. I was just going to see what other people do and caught myself sitting here forever. loved this game! :)

Your compliment makes me very happy ! :-o
Please if you ever develop a point'n click and still remember me, send it to me so I can play it. I wish you many good things for the future ! Greetings from France Dorsey :-D

Greetings from Seattle United States! :) Making the scena be 3D and in blender made it feel so unique

hey, i finished my point and click game it is called "You Wake Up" and is on my itch page. 

Hi Dorsey Bros ! :-)
Thank you so much for remembering me! I just finished your game several times to get the full ending. I posted a comment and a note on your page. Thanks again and well done. !


Thanks for checking it out!

And no problem, your game is one of if not the most memorable game I've played on Itch.

Fun point and click game dude! I know it's been out for a while now but I hope people keep seeing and playing your game! Anyways gave me good creepy vibes and a good laugh too even if that wasn't intended. Check out my playthrough here - 

Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video, MCW ! :-D
Really a pity that the cut scenes work badly :-(
It's my very first game and some details are not perfect and can cause this type of error in some cases.
Good job to you and greetings from France.

this was really great, the puzzles were a bit on the easy side but they tied into the story and atmosphere really well! Also, this game looks absolutely stunning! I was shocked by how beautiful the end cutscene looked, and it was actually really creepy too! Amazing work!!! :)

Thank you for this very nice comment, King :-)
I really appreciated ^^ Thanks again and greetings from France.

guys, what's the game engine?

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Hello Mehran !
I didn't use a game engine. I modeled the backgrounds and cut-scenes in Blender 3D before rendering them in .jpeg image or .mp4 video, then I coded the game in HTML5 and pure javascript.

Pretty impressive, and the game looks awesome.

Thank you very much Mehran :-)

hmm, the rest of the puzzles seemed sensible and fairly reasonable to solve, but the chest in the bedroom seems to have no clues, I can't see any numbers anywhere

nevermind,  I got it haha. good place to hide the answer, required a bit of thinking and solved something that felt weirdly useless

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Amazing game!! I loved that the puzzles were not to hard but did proved a little bit of thinking to complete. I did not expect that ending.


Great :-D I'm glad you finally got through the safe riddle ! Well done and thank you for playing my game, Da Smol Bean :-)
Greetings from France.

I liked it ! it was very creepy.

Thank you very much, tunabomber ! :-D

Bravo, Bravo! really creepy and atmospheric

We took a real wild approach on narrating this game, but we hope you like it as much as we loved the game!

XD You're a genius man ! Thank you very much and greetings from France ^^

I love it!  There's some of the times it caught me unexpectedly!  Its really fun and scary!

I'm really glad you liked it, Fluffy. It's always a pleasure for me to see people have a good time with this little game.

Thank you very much and greetings from France ! :-)

This game was really frightening, and also fun!

I played translating to Japanese with my watchers on my stream!

Also, I got to the secret ending, so if u wanna see the secret ending, watch my video!

Thanks for the great game!!:)

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Your "let's play" is awesome and your subscribers are really lucky that you apply yourself so much to translating each text in the game.
Thank you very much for completing my game ! Greetings from France !


the pattern on the lock at the bedroom it doesnt work. im stuck there lol


Hello awhxsiyo :)
Did you see the shapes around the patterns ?

I keep getting stuck right as I pour the acid to get the pliers ;-;

Sincerely sorry for this bug. It is rare and seems to only happen to certain people playing with a particular set.

To this day I still can't figure out what's causing this shit.


Thanks for the secret. It gave me a good laugh, perfect after a horrifying experience.

Thanks to you gingercat ! :-D
We had to end on something positive to thank the most patient players ^^.
Greetings from France.

I'm too lazy to check for the secret if someone gets it please do share lol

jokes asides this is some high quality stuff the graphic is so good I ended up admiring it and forgot its a horror game

(1 edit) (+1)

XD That troll! you are a genius lol.
Thank you so much, Merie :-D
Greetings from France !


Loved this old school point and click game! I've never had an account but had to make one for the purpose of commenting on this gem.

There are many independent horror games on but this one definitely stands out. The little details you added into the game, such as the slight motion effect and the hazy vision effect really help immerse the player. 

As a film lover, I thought the final animation was fantastic. The drape being dragged off the table and seeing the shapes of the shadows on the wall, cutting away to the medium shot of the altar, and then the zoom-in shots of each place on the altar, ending with the zoom-in on the empty plate was perfectly executed and filled me with dread. And the final shot of the house through the trees, watching the lights slowly turn off was a wonderful final touch.

Well done! I certainly hope you will continue to hone your craft and I look forward to future releases by you.


Your message made me very happy.

I would like to answer you a lot of things but I can't find something strong enough to tell you how much I appreciate when someone manages to see and appreciate the small details of staging that I was able to include in this little game.

I'm just going to tell you that I thank you very very much for taking the time to play my game and write me this message, mynameisbrent.

Take good care of yourself and greetings from France !

I'm just now seeing your reply, Julien. You're very welcome!

I would love to play through future games you create, I hope you'll keep me in mind when you finish your next one. Additionally, if you ever intend on adding vocal lines to your projects, I'm a voice actor and would love to work with somebody of your talent. Best of luck to you on your future endeavors.

Take care and greetings from America!


Thank you very much for your message and for taking the time to do this let's play, BAYAEARAE !
It's fantastic to see people around the world continue to play my game.
Greetings from France !

Very spooky, classic frights. Aces!


Thank you very much Doc :-D

Very welcome!

Hey, I just played your game. super cool btw, but I was going to ask could you please add a subtitle option? I don't know if you already have or not, just wanted to ask. 

Hello. Thanks a lot.

I'm sorry but I'm having trouble understanding your request. The dialogues of the game are textual. What do you mean by "subtitle option"?

bruh im stuck at the jewlery box

same :/

it works :)

lol it took me a while to figure it out


It's vicious, isn't it ? ^^
Well done both and greetings from France.

Loved playing this game! Thank you so much or the work you put in creating it!

It's always so nice to see your video again, Jess.
Thanks again and greetings from France ! :-)


Thank you so much for the creepy experience! Greetings from Italy! :)


Hello rreeves74. Why this ? Can i help you ?

I really have no idea! it just wont load to my pc

Putain de merde ! it is not normal. Are you trying to open it with the app or on the website? Because this problem has often been noted by app users.

same, i tried the browser version as well, not working

It looks nice, but unfortunately it crashes after getting the pliers, every time :(. Playing the browser version

Hello Art Of Nemo. Sincerely sorry. This bug is very rare and only appears under certain conditions partly related to the player's set. I never managed to get rid of this shit.

No worries! Still great game and atmosphere :)

I sincerely appreciate ! Thank you very much, T.A.O.N.


I loved it! Great game! I love the old school vibe, really crazy it ran in a browser as well, it looked really good! I did NOT expect some of those scares!

Hello ultimate :-)
I watched your video last night and I really liked it. Thanks for the conclusion at the end, I think it's really cool when players take the time to give their opinion. Thank you very much for taking the time to make this video, ultimate !
Greetings from France !

how do you unlock the safe? i have the code but it wont open


The codes change with each game. The solution is in what the character says when you click on the safe.

This was fun! The scares were really good :)


Hi Stickysugar !
I'm glad you had a good time. Thank you for your comment and greetings from France. :-)

this game crashed my PC... But it's a good game :0 

Hi TooruLol.
Sorry about your PC. Are you sure it wasn't the game that crashed? There is a very rare bug that I have never been able to fix. after recovering the clamp in the basement the game hangs on a black screen.

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