The night is dark, and the rain keep hitting the windshield of your car. An inexplicable breakdown forces you to stop, and to keep going on foot. This is when you spot, a few hundred yards ahead, the glow of a strange forgotten house in the middle of the woods.

INVITATIONEM is a short horror game. It’s an old-school 2D point ‘n’ click game, created and designed independently and personally.

A gameplay and a story that are pretty simple, and are inspired by classic horror cinema and its stereotypes : a breakdown in the middle of nowhere, a storm and a house with a supernatural atmosphere. A place that, behind its cozy aspect, reveals hints to a dark secret and to terrifying revelations.

LIFETIME : 20 - 25m

IMPORTANT : This game is currently experiencing loading problems on its downloadable version of the application. However, you can still play it in a browser. Thank you for your understanding.


La noche es oscura y la lluvia sigue cayendo sobre el parabrisas de su coche. Una avería inexplicable pone fin a su itinerario y le obliga a caminar hasta la ciudad. Es entonces cuando ve, a unos cien metros por delante, el resplandor de una extraña casa perdida en el bosque.

INVITATIONEM es un juego de terror corto. Un pequeño juego point'n click en 2D, creado y desarrollado en un marco puramente personal e independiente.

Una jugabilidad y una historia sencilla, inspirada de los códigos del cine de terror clásico y sus estereotipos : La avería en medio de la nada, la noche tormentosa, la casa con una aura sobrenatural. Un lugar que, tras su cómoda apariencia, esconde las claves de un secreto con morbosas revelaciones.

Tiempo para jugar : 20 - 25m

IMPORTANTE: actualmente tengo problemas de carga en la versión descargable a través de la aplicación Sin embargo, todavía puedes reproducirlo en el navegador. Gracias por su comprensión.


La nuit est sombre et la pluie ne cesse de tomber sur le pare-brise de votre voiture. Une panne inexplicable vient mettre fin à votre itinéraire et vous force à rejoindre la ville à pied. C’est alors que vous apercevez, là, à une centaine de mètres devant vous, les lueurs d’une étrange demeure perdue au milieu des bois...

INVITATIONEM est un court jeu d’horreur. Un petit point’n click 2D à l'ancienne, créé et développé dans un cadre purement personnel et indépendant.

Un gameplay et une histoire simple, inspirée des codes du cinéma d’horreur classique et de ses stéréotypes : La panne au milieu de nulle part, la nuit de tempête, la maison à l’aura surnaturelle. Un lieu qui derrière son aspect confortable, cache les indices d’un secret aux révélations morbides.

Durée de vie : 20 - 25m

IMPORTANT : Ce jeu rencontre actuellement des problèmes de chargement sur sa version télechargeable via l'application Cependant, il vous est toujours possible d'y jouer sur navigateur. Merci de votre compréhension.

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(3 edits) (+1)

im stuck! I opened the basement , unlocked the safe, and that chicken hand jumped on the pliers but I don't know what to do now! 

edit: I figured it out. Terrifying game! I love it

Thank you very much DtiLOVes :D

You asked yourself exactly the question that is normal to ask at this point in the game ^^. Greetings from France.

I absolutely love this game and all the work put into it!

It had me and my friends at the edge of our seat the entire time. It was a terrifying and well made experience.


я из белорусси ЭТО пекрасно это точно игра в брузере

Я родом из Франции. Большое спасибо за ваше сообщение. Прежде всего, хорошо позаботьтесь о себе. Возвращайтесь на эту страницу, когда захотите. (извините за перевод Google Translate, он, должно быть, полная чушь ^^)




Of course Ryan !... But legend has it that it is with their souls that the players pay for this game... *lightning sound*

Thanks Ryan and greetings from France ^^ (The land of snail and frog eaters... Spookyyy! ) *double lightning sound*



(1 edit)

Hi creationofpeach,
It's the number of friendly people like you who were interested in it that I find awesome, for a small project. Thank you so much and greetings from France ! :^D


played this again a year later for my halloween video season on YT great stuff 

(2 edits) (+1)

I know, i gave a like ^^. Thanks for playing my game, Klingon ! Greetings from France :^)

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks lol  greetings from  Jersey Channel Islands !!   I was playing it a 2nd time and realized hey Ive played this game before but carried on it was so good

(1 edit) (+1)

XD These are things that happen. But if it ends well, then everything is fine ^^. Thanks again Klingon !


its so PEAK

Thank you very much Panecitomojado. I appreciate your message. Besides, it took me a little time to understand the expression “Peak” ^^ (I'm French).

Peak is American slag for "on top" or "the best" :)



Got me even more scared when my mom was behind me and said "DJ go do the dishes now, it's 8pm and you're still playing horror games" hahaha but aside that.

I loved the game! thanks for giving me the spooks so late at night lmao!


Hello DJ !
It's the kind of little situation that makes a moment a little more memorable ^^. Thank you for playing my game DJ. I'm still happy to see that it can make others have a good time, even today, almost 3 years after its release.
Greetings from France !

Made me shout "What the hell-el-el!?" LMAO


You're lucky ^^ i wish it still had the same effect on me.
Thank you for your comment xXBailey~MaggotXx !


this is amazing, i tried speedrunning it. I have a recommendation for you: can you add another ending?  and ending where he takes the elevator up and not down  and finds an exit but as he gets  back in his car he looks through his back view mirror to see the headhunters in the back seats and then the  screen turns black and the words "the end" pop up, and in the background you hear the player scream as he is eaten alive (i just want to, this is just an idea, it might be too hard to do but IDK,  but overall your game was amazing and had me on the edge of my seat, 10/10.  

Hi EyeClopyYT :^D

Your ending would resemble one of the endings of Clocktower. An old horror game released on snes in 1995. You will find an even more original (and weird) ending by having the maximum score at the end of the game ^^

Honestly I don't think I'll add any additional content. You know, it's been almost 3 years since I put it online and it had its little moment of glory with its qualities and its faults. So he'll probably stay the way he is forever, I think.

Thank you very much for your message in any case. Take good care of yourself EyeClopyYT and greetings from France !


no problem!, i'm always here to give positive feedback! :) 

and salutations from Canada!  


hey julien! do you want to check out my first game? (just question not advertising)

(1 edit)

Yes I want. You can even leave a link in the comments if you want. On the other hand, I won't be able to play it right away.


so have you played it yet?

Nope sorry. It was 1:30 a.m. in France when you sent this message. I saw that it is an exclusively multiplayer game. Not practical to try it whenever we want without the intervention of a second player, which is a shame.

I'm stuck at the jewelry box. I've put in the right code and even tried other combi but it won't budge :((


hello Keiiikooo !
You have probably already understood that the solution is found on the stained glass windows of the entrance hall, but have you paid attention to the shapes behind each of the 3 symbols?

OOO I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT :o thank u hehehe



nah this was to good to be a point and click game fr



I'm stuck at code in the chest...

I have put in the numbers from the letter in the safe and it seemed to break my game :(

(1 edit)

Hello angels !
This is the right solution. On the other hand, I don't understand what you mean by "break my game". What happened ?

My game seemed to crash the moment after I put in the code which was quite confusing I just thought I was going to get jump scared. It is an amazing game though I have no complaints other-wise (if this is a complaint, and if it is. It is not meant to be I love this game very much :))

It is really nice ! Thank you so much angels ^^
I'm really sorry for what happened, in more than 3 years I have never heard of a bug at this specific moment in the game. Often by trying on another web browser, it fixes certain problems.

of course! and it may just be my PC that is the problem that is all for it's not the first time horror games like this crashed on me! hope you have an amazing rest of your day/after-noon/night! :)

It pisses me off, I really wish you could completely enjoy it. Thank you very much in any case ^^ A very nice day/evening to you and greetings from France :-)

great game super cool ending

Thanks Denki :)


thanks for making a cool game

This is great, but I'm stuck at the color door, which is maddening because I don't want to look up the answer.

I will try and figure it out if'n I can, thanks

(1 edit)

Hello :^)
Perhaps you already understood this, but the solution to the riddle can be found in the text stuck on the painting on the ground right next to the door. Each passage refers to a color. I will not say more.



Your game looks so good but unfortunately on the browser I have a black screen as soon as I pick up the tool (I tried several times) do you know when you will put the game back into download mode ? Thanks ! 

I am really sorry. This bug is rare but unbearable! I never managed to find its source because it seems to be caused by fucking random factors. The best I can advise you, if you haven't already done so, is to try the experience again on another web browser. Sorry again, this bug has left me helpless myself since the release of this game. Thank you very much for your compliment Nao :^)

My first horror here and holy moly. Just great! I suppose I got the bad ending ihih

Hi Vale ! :^D Thank you so much for your comment !
Aside from a special ending that requires an action too specific to be obtained by chance, there is only one true ending. It's a game with a dark story, set during a dark night and with a dark ending ;^) Thanks again !

(1 edit)

crazy good game!! I got a few jump scares throughout it and struggled with some puzzles, assuming I got the normal ending?


The scene in the basement with the monster and the stairs reminds me of a weird nightmare I had years ago, I didn't remember until now.

I had too much trouble with the glass part, didn't realize I needed to do the shapes too.

My jaw DROPPED when I saw the (cult?????) and the two heads on the plate, I knew the guy I played was next.

Great game!!!

Thanks a lot for your message Goobie :^)

You definitely had the good ending, there is only one. The other is a humorous bonus which requires a very specific action revealed at the very end of the game provided you have a score of 35/35.

You'll find this weird but the scene you're talking about is also a variation of a nightmare I had when I was younger and I also discovered that 2 of my friends had already had the same one. It must be part of the list of common dreams, like flying or failing to run.

The enigma you're telling me about is vicious and afterwards, we wonder how we managed not to see it ^^

I'm glad you're appreciated! Come back here whenever you want, you are welcome. Greetings from France !

Thanks for replying!! I hope it's nice in France! And i'm going to replay this soon!


This exceeded my expectation for a 'point & click' game. Like, i didn't expect it to be that good one bit. The visual and the atmosphere made me regret it that i played this in the middle of the night T_T - but it's good nonetheless. 

Your message reminds me that the effort I put into making this game was for something. Thank you so much Oreeve ! Greetings from France :^)


I deadass have never seen a point and click THIS good, GREAT JOB!!!

Thank you very much Dot! I like the energy you put in your message ^^
Come back and play whenever you want! Greetings from France !


Très cool! J'aime beaucoup les visuels et le filtre utilisé, le côté vieux jeu est réussi et je trouve que le jeu se situent bien entre réalisme et graphismes plus stylisés (surtout sur l'éclairage). Fin bref c'était sympa, ça fait plaisir de jouer à des jeux écrits par des français, et les énigmes sont cools et se suivent de manière fluide.

(3 edits)

Ça fait plaisir à lire :^) merci beaucoup Sonia! Je suis content que le côté mise en scène t'ait plu, j'ai essayé de la soigner au max pour compenser le côté linéaire de l'histoire.


Loved this game!! 


The number puzzle was a bit tricky because I didn't realize you had to look at the bottom of the letter in the safe in the basement, but otherwise it was relatively clear gameplay!! Love the visuals, and the creepy monster things are a great touch! Loved the (Normal) ending, but I'm too lazy to look for the Secret ending lol. Very fun in all!


Thank you very much Cinna! :^D
Yes, you're not the only person to have missed the famous code. Most of the time it's the enigma of stained glass windows that people have trouble finding the first time. I renamed them the riddle of invisible shapes because of this.
You're right about the secret ending. A game must remain fun for the person playing it ^^
Thanks again !


The stained glass windows were actually quite obvious for me, but it took a couple tries to realize the shapes around the symbols were different haha. 

i love this game...


I love you ! And you have no choice!

Just kidding ^^ Thank you very much for your message. Come back here whenever you want, you will be welcome Cory.

this game slays bro


And it was created for badass gamers like you




^^ Thanks to you Hayven ! For your comment and for playing :^)

np! :^]

oh wow c'était génial!!!

Merci beacoup Tatianna ! :^)
Ça me fait plaisir que des personnes comme toi y joue encore aujourd'hui et apprécie. Prends soin toi et une belle journée.

Really good game!! Really good story and really fun to play if you want to play a escape room type game!!

Thank you very much for this comment kaydoo ! :^D
A very beautiful day to you.

(1 edit)

I really thought this game wasn't going to be that scary, but I had more than a few jumps. I was really scared a few times. I'm definitely replaying this later when its dark it will be way more fun and scary. Loved the game.

Thank you very much Itz :^D

You know, over time, I realize that I didn't even really try to be scary with this game. It's true that there are 2 or 3 moments that are a little scary but above all I wanted to make the atmosphere is mysterious and well done enough for players who love the genre to want to get to the end of the story and understand what is happening in this house. I'm happy that people continue to enjoy it even today.

Come back and play whenever you want, you're welcome. Thank you again for your message Itz and greetings from France ! 

(1 edit) (+1)

I keep getting stuck with a dark screen after I pour acid on the hand. Amazing sound design and atmosphere though, just sad I can't play all of it. 

(2 edits)

Hello Saito ! Thank you very much and sorry for that. This bug is rare and occurs in certain conditions which are always very abstract and which depend on the player's set up. The only thing I can advise you is to try on another browser (if you haven't already).

PS : I've hated this bug since the game came out.

I got it too :(  But great game, will watch a video to see how it ends 

What's the intensity of the jumpscares? I wanna play this so bad but I do rlly bad with screamers ToT

I think the intensity of a screamers degrades who sees it. This is unfortunately part of the experience that you have to live to get an idea of it.
You can do it :)

ahhh i gotchu im gonna stream it to some friends!! ^^ ty for the reply!!!


Before playing this game, I honestly didn't expect it to give me a scare. But wow, was I taken aback! The gameplay, atmosphere, and suspense were crafted so brilliantly that I found myself genuinely spooked. Kudos to the developers for creating such an immersive and unexpectedly frightening experience. Well done indeed!

Thank you very much Meta :^D
This is my very first game and I didn't have the necessary experience to do great gameplay. So to compensate, I focused on the elements that you seem to have liked. So it makes me happy to read your message. Thanks again and greetings from France :^)


i think i had a dream/nightmare that was kinda like this game

It's funny you say that. The scene with the monster on the stairs was inspired by a recurring nightmare that some friends and I had.


This game was pretty cool. Very well done. It's not very long, but for what there is, I really like it. Good job.

Thank you very much, Wolf  :^)
Yes, it's true that it's not very long. I didn't yet have the means to prepare a big meal, so I tried to prepare a nice appetizer.
Greetings from France ^^


This game was tooo short!!!! I love the grafic so much! The 'happy' part make me laugh so fucking hard ahahhahahahah I love this kind of gift. Julien Bartholini thumb up! I will go see your other work, absolutely!!!!

Hi Virgi ! :^)
It makes me happy that you liked the secret ending ^^ Not everyone necessarily appreciates its bizarre side.

I agree with you, the game could have been longer. But it was my first experience and in the absence of the possibility of saving the game, I preferred to do something more condensed and linear.

Thank you so much for your comment ! Merry Christmas in advance :) Greetings from France!

Hi Julien!  For a first experience, it was fascinating and I personally loved  the funny and crazy side. It's too late but merry christmas or better happy Easter? (my english is trash sorry, it doesn't sound right, but okay). Greting from Italy <3

Don't worry about your English. I respond and translate messages using Google translate. You could even have written in your native language... Grazie ancora per aver giocato a questo piccolo gioco e per il tuo messaggio. una felice Pasqua a te! ^^

(1 edit) (+1)

oh no no the distorted pale white face man is right out side my door *ding dong* no no no my time is not up yet *start praying* *OPEN UP* no no no no I kept repeating *BOOOOOM!* he's here this story has come to an end *body thuds on the floor*   

(1 edit) (+1)

There has never been a man with a pale distorted white face !
You created this character because you can't forget the vision of your brother dead and distorted by the car accident you caused 3 years ago !
You must accept what happened that night !... You must forgive yourself !...


He confirmed that you're;

1. A killer

2. You're a schizophrenic

No wonder why we see some goofy shenanigans in the game lol 


No kidding! I finished the game and never even saw the guy. 🤷‍♀️

(1 edit) (+1)

From what I could play it was really well done. However, the game kept getting stuck on a black screen after certain events.


- The first stuck black screen was after I picked up the key in the bathroom by using the pliers. The screen faded to black like it was loading, but then just stayed black and the music kept playing. I couldn't click anything except exit or fullscreen mode.

-The second time, it was right after I picked up the pliers, the screen faded to black, but instead of loading the basement, it just stayed black and, as before, kept playing the music but I was unable to click anything except exit or fullscreen mode.

Hello NCNerd :^)

Sorry for what happened. This bug is relatively rare and it seems to be caused by a combination of details linked to a problem that I was unable to find in my code combined with the set of certain players (always in the same 2 places, the ones you as cited). I have never been able to determine precisely where the problem was coming from.

The best I can do is invite you to try with another web browser, if you haven't already done so.

Sincerely sorry, I would like to help you more.

This was one of the most stunning games I have played on, thank you so much for the experience!

Hello LilPumpkinPi ! :^)

Thank you very much for this video Lil. It's always great to see players sharing their let's play.

I noticed that you had encountered problems with loading certain cut scenes, sorry for this problem, I know that this is the kind of thing that can ruin an experience.

Thanks again and greetings from France !

This was honestly so fun to play! It always had me on edge (and second guessing myself xD)


Hi Willow !
Thank you very much for taking the time to make a video about this game. I had already watched it and the "I'm free, bitch..." at the end always makes me laugh ^^.

thanks again and greetings from France !

(1 edit) (+1)

Superbe jeu, bonne ambiance, bon jumpscare tout y est nickel ! Félicitations à toi et continues comme ça !

Merci d'avoir joué à mon jeu, Erkeister.
Aujourd'hui encore,  j'apprécie toujours autant découvrir de nouveaux tests. Particulièrement quand ils viennent de la sphère francophone.
Tu t'es donné du mal pour venir à bout des 2 fins et y consacrer une vidéo sur ta chaîne. Merci beaucoup pour ça :^)


I want to play this game so desperately, but I can't open the jewelry box! I have the code right, but nothing happens.

Hello luvlu :)
Most of the time, when players block in this location it is for a specific reason. Did you pay attention to the shapes around the symbols ?

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